Creating Your Own Business
The Healthy Way
~ Online Course Outline ~
219 minutes of footage
Here's what you'll find inside the course.
3 hours of actionable advice and tips on how to create and run your natural health practice and business.

"Academics to me is 'information highway'. The problem is, how do you use it in practicality? How do you use it in day-to-day living and apply it on yourself?
In this field, a lot of people are applying it on themselves because, generally speaking, people enter this field because they don't feel good; they're suffering; they know allopathy has no answers for health and so they're looking for answer in natural health.
We just happen to be the top of the level in natural health, we're the top clinic in the world, we heal people where others can't. And the reason is, we know the truth of science, and we're teaching it to you so YOU can know the truth of science.
Starting your own practice is fun, I was excited, but it's scary, and it can be financially devastating. So, this whole series here is to help you learn how to articulate your finances, how to build an inventory, what to look for in terms of places to rent, advertising, things like this."
—Robert Morse, N.D. | Course Video: Setting Up Your Own Practice (@ 5:55-7:25)

Learn from the experienced and get a proper headstart into the exciting journey of running a practice that changes lives and earns you a living.
Dr. Morse shows you the ropes of a standard initial and follow-up consultation, and how to engage with a client from start to finish.

Business Course Videos
1. Introduction and Ledgers (8 mins)
2. Setting Up Your Own Practice (26 mins)
3. Create Your Own Business: Advertising (27 mins)
4. Starting Your Business: A Roundtable Session (25 mins)
5. What Does Wholistic Practice Look Like (40 mins)
6. Pete’s First Interview (48 mins)
7. Pete’s Follow-Up (29 mins)
8. Follow Up On The Follow Up (16 mins)