Refresher – Welcome to the Exam

Getting well (and beyond) takes dedication, self-discipline, and hard work. This exam was designed not to trick you, but to make you think. It is extremely important that you understand why and how to detoxify yourself and your clients.

Detoxification is not all fun and games. This is a serious process, which can have very real and life-threatening side effects called the healing crisis. It is vital that one understand the healing crisis and how to work with the body in its efforts to clean and rebuild itself.

As said, there are no “trick” questions. Simply stop and think with common sense. You will want to review your course material in order to pass this exam.

The short answer and essay sections of this exam were designed so we can assess what you know and your viewpoints towards health. There are many levels to health. Detoxification and Regeneration are the highest form there is, no matter what you have previously experienced or been taught.

Your success in helping others to cure and rebuild themselves lies in your wisdom, knowledge, and experience about this process. As healers, we must have a common focus and band together with a unified vision if we are going to change the world and its consciousness about health and the truths that nature expresses.

Relax, clear your mind, and feel the answers (from your heart), as you understand them to be. There is no failing this exam! However, you must attain an 80% or better to receive your certification as a Detoxification Specialist. We will help you with your understanding of detoxification and regeneration until you achieve this grade.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for joining our mission to uplift mankind into a much higher expression of life. Good luck!

Blessings and Love,

Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., M.H.

Headshot of Robert Morse

International School of the Healing Arts