Our Courses
Welcome to the Fantastic Journey
into the Study and Understanding of the Laws of Health and Vitality
True detoxification is nature’s science and is what mother nature uses to heal. It restores health and vitality to our physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Rather than focusing on symptoms, it restores balance and allows the body to heal itself.
Learn about the chemistry of your cells and how eating specific foods can create an environment perfect for regeneration.
Understand the lymphatic system and why this is a vital focus in detoxification.
Learn how to rid the body of what is ultimately causing most health issues.
Most importantly, you will learn the WHY’s when it comes to dis-ease progression and how to begin the process of regenerative detoxification!
~ Foundation Courses ~
Level One: The Path of the Healer ($1,650)

Robert Morse, N.D.

Take a journey into health with Robert Morse N.D.; the only practitioner who will teach you the importance of the Great Lymphatic System and how it is the key to true health. Learn the root cause of dis-ease and powerful herbal protocols to help restore health and vitality.

Level Two: Advanced Regenerative Detoxification Protocols ($1,350)

Robert Morse, N.D.

Put your skills from Level One into practice by learning how to build powerful and effective herbal protocols. Whether you’re looking to start a Healing Practice of your own or just want to help yourself or loved ones, this course will take you to the next level.
Lymphatic Iridology ($1,500)

Robert Morse, N.D.

Iridology is probably the best tool for seeing a snapshot of our health and is the only method for assessing the lymphatic system and other soft tissues of the body.
Learn how to read an iris to assess genetic weakness and lymphatic congestion in specific parts of the body, then use that assessment to build herbal protocols for restoring health.

~ Future Accredited Courses ~
~ Frequently Asked Questions ~
Who are these courses intended for?
The gift of positive physical, emotional and mental health is and should be for everyone.
Our school’s courses were made with simplicity in mind, keeping the arts and sciences of natural healing straightforward and accessible to as wide a spectrum of people as possible.
Your age or educational background isn’t important. Rather, your decision to enroll in our courses should be based on keen interest in learning effective approaches to healing—in an organized manner.
Our Foundational and Supplemental courses are open to all without special requirements.
However, certain courses may require the completion of a pre-requisite course before you can access the contents.
As an example, you cannot access the Level Two course material before you've completed Level One.
Do I need any prior qualifications before enrolling in these courses?
Will I be able to assist and offer health-related services to the general public after certification?
Part of our school’s mission is to equip you with everything you will need to not only help yourself, but to start helping others and earning a living doing so.
At minimum, Level One certification lays the groundwork and is thus the most essential course to complete before you offer services for clients.
Level Two certification builds your knowledge in preparing effective protocols and navigating complex health situations.
The Creating Your Own Business course was made to prepare you for starting your own Natural Healing practice and business.
You simply need a device capable of browsing the internet and streaming media content.
You will need speakers or headphones/earpiece as well.
For the exam sections, we recommend using a PC to fill out the relevant forms.
Are there any technical requirements?
How long do I have to complete an online course?
There is no time limit (applies also to exams and quizzes), you can take as long as you need. However, we recommend you make time to study regularly and do so following a plan.
Certificates are issued digitally after your exam results answers have been marked and verified.
If you would like a physical copy, please contact us about this.
We aim to send printed certificates as soon as possible but do allow 8 weeks for printing, processing and mail, especially if you are outside the U.S.
When will I receive my certificate?
Are the courses captioned?
Some courses are captioned and we are currently working through courses as they are added. Please contact us to enquire on a specific course before enrolling, if captioning is essential.
You have paid for the course(s) and will always have access.
How long do I have access to the course and learning material?